

As I mentioned before, I would love to be a publisher. Mostly for domestic issues but my only problem with that is where the money comes from to fund local newspapers.

Mostly on the back pages of newspapers, they provide advertisements on escorts and strip clubs.  There’s nothing wrong with business’s like that; I have nothing against them. My problem, however, is that these newspapers earn their money through business like this. These escorts, we have no idea how these women got into this business. We don’t know if they had to sell their body for last resort or because they wanted to. The fact that newspaper companies allow their employees to put money into their pocket by allowing sexual advertised women and men, makes me wonder why we even have dirty money to begin with.

I’m not saying that I’m better than anyone in any shape or form, but have you ever taken the time to read escorts advertisements and wonder how these women got into that business?

Sure the newspaper gets funding, but does that justify the escort service? Does it justify where we get the money from? Does it make it OK for my family to have things that came from a stripper/dancer/escort? How can I, as a woman, allow myself to receive money from business that I wish any person wouldn’t have to go through just to receive a little bit of income?

I’ve mentioned this fact to a few people and it seems like no one has noticed advertisements like that. I’ve talked to a professional and she mentioned that I should compromise my beliefs. I don’t entirely agree with that opinion but what do you think?

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